Poly Shipping Mailers are the ideal packaging solution for ensuring safe and secure deliveries. Constructed from durable, tear-resistant polyethylene, they offer protection against moisture, dirt, and mechanical damage. The self-sealing adhesive strip simplifies the packing process, providing an airtight seal that prevents tampering or accidental opening. Available in various sizes to suit different logistics needs, these mailers are perfect for online retailers, shipping companies, and warehouses. Their lightweight design makes them a cost-effective option while offering excellent product security during transport.
Mod. T26S#15 50ML
JAR : Extérieur blanc nuancé
COUVERCLE : Noir injecté
BÉCHER : Blanc
T26S jar of 50ml nuanced white exterior with mounted white beaker and #15 cap injected in black
MOQ 1000
Valdamark Direct offers versatile 3-side seal flat pouches in various sizes, ideal for diverse products.
These lay-flat pouches present your items cleanly and attractively while ensuring protection.The sleek, 3-side seal design suits both consumer and industrial needs.Easy filling, closing, and space-efficient storage are key benefits.
Choose from a wide range of sizes (3"x5", 4"x6", 5"x7", 6"x8", 7"x10", 8"x10", 9"x12", 10"x14") to perfectly fit your products, from small and delicate to larger items.Our pouches are crafted from durable, food-grade laminate with PET for strength, clarity, and printability; aluminium foil for superior barrier protection against moisture, oxygen, light, and contaminants; and PE for secure sealing.
FDA-compliant for direct food contact, these pouches safeguard product freshness and integrity.The clear PET layer showcases your product, while the aluminium foil barrier extends shelf life.
Das Rubik Colors Pack von IronArt Mozaic bietet eine dynamische Sammlung von Mosaikstücken, die vom ikonischen Rubik's Cube inspiriert sind. Das Pack präsentiert eine vibrierende Palette von Fliesen in verschiedenen Farben, die so gestaltet sind, dass sie optisch ansprechende Muster und Arrangements ergeben. Die Farbpalette umfasst in der Regel eine Mischung aus kühnen Primärfarben (Rot, Blau, Grün, Gelb usw.), die so angeordnet sind, dass sie die spielerische und komplexe Natur des Rubik's Cube-Puzzles nachahmen.
Die Fliesen im Rubik Colors Pack werden mit Präzision und Liebe zum Detail hergestellt, so dass jedes Stück zu einem zusammenhängenden und auffälligen Mosaikdesign beiträgt. Mit diesen Fliesen lassen sich individuelle Mosaikprojekte erstellen, die Oberflächen wie Tischen, Wänden oder anderen dekorativen Elementen einen lustigen und zeitgemäßen Touch verleihen.
Materialien: Mosaik, Schmiedeeisen:Technik: handgemacht
Spécialiste en emballages et conditionnements métalliques, notre entreprise propose une vaste gamme de produits, des boîtes sérigraphiées aux capsules en plastique pour emballage. Nous excellons dans la production de boîtes métalliques lithographiées et décorées, adaptées aux exigences des secteurs alimentaire et cosmétique. En tant que fabricant d’emballages métalliques, nous offrons des solutions sur mesure, y compris des bidons fer blanc alimentaires, boites standards ou personnalisées, ainsi que des couvercles et fonds pour boites composites.
Nos installations sont équipées pour répondre aux besoins spécifiques de l'industrie, avec une gamme incluant des emballages métalliques industriels et alimentaires, ainsi que des accessoires estampés et embossés. Nous assurons la conformité de nos emballages homologués pour les matières dangereuses et offrons des boîtes cylindriques, des boîtes de conserve métalliques pour huile d'olive, et des bidons en métal.
Volume:750 ml
Qté / palette 800 x 1200:1300
Qté / palette 1120 x 1420:2100
Vous êtes un professionnel et vous voulez être le distributeur de votre propre ligne de parfums ? Vous avez envie de développer une activité porteuse en proposant des produits parfumés de haute qualité ? Optez pour la vente de parfums personnalisés en marque blanche avec Laurent Journeault.
Notre laboratoire spécialisé dans la création de parfums de luxe de Grasse vous propose une très belle sélection de senteurs uniques et de créations parfumées qui séduiront votre clientèle.
Fragrances épicées, boisées, fruitées ou florales : nos artisans parfumeurs élaborent des eaux de toilette de haute qualité qui se déclinent aussi en eaux de parfum, roll-on et parfums d'ambiance.
La vente de nos parfums personnalisés en marque blanche présente de nombreux avantages : un budget maîtrisé pour des produits d'excellente qualité ; vous bénéficiez de notre expertise en création de parfums de Grasse originaux ; la garantie de produits parfumés livrés dans les délais.
The Textured Wheat Protein VG Titans W65-M is a dry, extruded product that can be rehydrated for use in plant-based items such as burgers, sausages, cold cuts, fillings, and as an additive to meat and poultry products. It is made from wheat protein and wheat flour, containing a minimum of 65% protein, available in medium chunks, with a water absorption ratio of 1:3 and a recommended hydration time of 30 minutes. Packaged in an 8kg PE bag, this product is perfect for crafting plant-based burgers, sausages, cutlets, chicken, Bolognese sauce, and minced meat.
Il tonno Rio Mare all'olio di oliva da 500 grammi è un prodotto ittico di alta qualità, ideale per chi cerca un'alimentazione sana e gustosa. Realizzato con tonno selezionato e conservato in olio di oliva, offre un gusto ricco e naturale, perfetto per la preparazione di ricette mediterranee. La confezione da 12 pezzi è ideale per la vendita all'ingrosso, garantendo una scorta sufficiente per ristoranti e negozi di alimentari.
Con una lunga scadenza fino al 29/01/29, questo tonno è un prodotto affidabile e versatile, adatto a una vasta gamma di ricette. Perfetto per chi ama la cucina mediterranea, è un ingrediente essenziale per chi desidera portare il sapore del mare nella propria cucina. Facile da usare e pronto all'uso, è la scelta ideale per chi cerca qualità e convenienza.
SCADENZA 31/12/2028
confezione da 12, confezioni 90 =1 pallet
minimo d'ordine 5 pallet
Unser Projektmanagement für End-of-Line-Verpackungslinien bietet Unternehmen eine umfassende Lösung zur Planung, Optimierung und Umsetzung ihrer Verpackungsprozesse. Vom ersten Konzept bis zur Inbetriebnahme begleiten wir Sie durch alle Projektphasen und sorgen dafür, dass Ihre Verpackungslinie effizient, zuverlässig und passgenau auf Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen abgestimmt ist. Unsere Dienstleistungen richten sich an Unternehmen aus den Bereichen Lebensmittel, Getränke, Pharma, Kosmetik, Chemie und vielen weiteren, die auf eine leistungsstarke und zukunftssichere End-of-Line-Lösung setzen.
Unsere erfahrenen Projektmanager unterstützen Sie dabei, die beste Lösung für Ihre Produktionsumgebung zu finden. Wir analysieren die bestehenden Abläufe und entwickeln auf dieser Grundlage maßgeschneiderte Konzepte für die Integration, Optimierung oder Erweiterung Ihrer End-of-Line-Verpackungslinie. Dazu zählen die Auswahl der passenden Maschinen, die Planung der Layouts und der Materialflüsse sowie die Optimierung de
Le BACBOX light est réutilisable et 100% recyclable. Durable et résistant, il permet une réduction de 70% du volume de stockage et s’adapte à tous les secteurs (textile, automobile, alimentaire, pharmaceutique, électronique). Le BACBOX Light se compose de 3 éléments pouvant être produits en différentes tailles et pour différentes charges.
LA BASE (La palette) : Ajourée et emboitable à vide avec possibilité d’ajouter des semelles clipsables.
LA REHAUSSE (La ceinture) : Hauteur ext max 1198mm (int : 1163mm), pliable et coloris sur demande. Options au choix :
Porte étiquette, porte de picking, parois escamotable, verrou palette et couvercle.
LE COUVERCLE : Emboitable à vide, existe en plusieurs versions pour chaque modèle.
Tarifs, quantités et informations sur demande. Merci de nous consulter.
Matière:REGULAR (pool palette/rotation)
Détail matière:100% recyclable
Dimension extérieure:l. x L. NR
Dimension intérieure:l. x L. NR
Nombre de semelles:NR
Nombre de plots:NR
Charge statique:NR
I Plateau ortofrutta sono utilizzati per la spedizione delle merci in ambienti cella frigo, ideali per la ”quarta gamma” ma anche per prodotti alimentari e di pasticceria. Sono prodotti stesi, planari, se disponete internamente di macchine per l'incollaggio oppure già montati pronto uso con una tempistica di qualche giorno dal momento in cui li ordinate. Trovano applicazione anche in campo industriale nel settore Caseario
L'etichetta bandiera è una soluzione distintiva progettata per prodotti che richiedono un'alta visibilità sugli scaffali. Questa etichetta si estende oltre il bordo del contenitore, creando un effetto visivo accattivante che attira l'attenzione dei consumatori. È ideale per prodotti promozionali o edizioni limitate, dove l'obiettivo è distinguersi dalla concorrenza e catturare l'interesse del cliente.
Le etichette bandiera possono essere personalizzate con vari design e colori, offrendo un'ampia gamma di opzioni per adattarsi al marchio e al messaggio del prodotto. Questo tipo di etichetta è particolarmente efficace nel settore alimentare e delle bevande, dove la competizione sugli scaffali è intensa. Utilizzare un'etichetta bandiera può aumentare significativamente la visibilità del prodotto e migliorare le vendite.
The Puff Boyz -NN DMT .5ML(400MG) Cartridge in Grape flavor offers a unique and potent experience for those seeking the effects of DMT in a convenient vape form. This cartridge provides a smooth and flavorful way to enjoy the psychedelic effects of DMT, known for its intense and transformative experiences. The grape flavor adds a pleasant twist to the vaping experience, making it a popular choice among users. With a reduced price, this cartridge is an affordable option for those looking to explore the world of psychedelics. The Puff Boyz cartridge is designed for easy use, allowing users to experience the effects of DMT without the need for complex preparation or equipment. This makes it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced users looking for a reliable and enjoyable way to consume DMT.
Los palets americanos son una opción versátil y robusta para el almacenamiento y transporte de mercancías. Con medidas de 100cm x 120cm, estos palets son ideales para el manejo de productos en América del Norte, facilitando el intercambio comercial y la logística. Fabricados con madera de alta calidad, los palets americanos son duraderos y capaces de soportar cargas pesadas, lo que los convierte en una opción confiable para diversas industrias.
Además de su funcionalidad, los palets americanos son una opción sostenible, ya que pueden ser reparados y reutilizados, reduciendo así la necesidad de producir nuevos palets y minimizando el impacto ambiental. Al optar por palets americanos, las empresas pueden mejorar su eficiencia logística al tiempo que contribuyen a la sostenibilidad global. En resumen, los palets americanos son una solución inteligente y ecológica para el manejo de mercancías.
Our Hazelnut Shell Removal Service utilizes cutting-edge machinery from the esteemed brand 'Nunci' to expertly separate the shell from the nut. This process is performed with precision to ensure that the hazelnuts remain undamaged and retain their natural quality. Our shell removal service is essential for preparing hazelnuts for further processing or direct consumption.
Choosing our Hazelnut Shell Removal Service means opting for a reliable and efficient solution that guarantees the integrity of your hazelnuts. Our experienced team is committed to delivering top-notch service, ensuring that your hazelnuts are handled with care and precision. This service is ideal for those looking to streamline their hazelnut processing operations and produce high-quality hazelnut products.
Produkujemy na zlecenie swetry:
- damskie,
- męskie,
- młodzieżowe
- dziecięce,
- czapki
- szaliki
- rękawiczki
- kocyki
w technologii fully-fashioned (odpasowane)
wholegarment/knit'n'wear (wyroby gotowe, bezszwowe)
na każdej grubości (podziałce) maszyn:
od 1,5gg do 14gg.
Do produkcji używamy surowców:
- bawełna,
- len,
- wełna jagnięca,
- wełna merynosowa,
- mohair,
- alpaka,
- angora,
- kaszmir,
- wiskoza,
- bambus,
- tencel,
- celuloza
oraz ich mieszanek, między innymi z poliamidem, elastanem, poliestrem, czy akrylem.
Zapraszamy do składania zamówień.
Custom cylinder boxes prepared with first class materials.
Special designs and prints for your brand.
Sizes, colors, prints, stamps are made according to your request.
Designs that will highlight your brand.
Il profumo microincapsulato all'ananas porta con sé l'essenza esotica e dolce di questo frutto tropicale, trasformando qualsiasi ambiente in un'oasi di freschezza. L'aroma vivace e fruttato dell'ananas è perfetto per chi desidera un profumo che evochi sensazioni di vacanza e relax. La microincapsulazione assicura che il profumo venga rilasciato lentamente, mantenendo l'ambiente profumato per un periodo prolungato. Questo profumo è ideale per l'uso in case, uffici o negozi, dove può creare un'atmosfera accogliente e invitante.
The Hamah bottle stands out with its elegant and refined silhouette, designed to enhance premium spirits and liqueurs. Its sleek design and quality craftsmanship make it a sophisticated choice for brands that prioritize luxury and style.
These are packages that keep their shape even with the lightest content and stand vertically on shelves. They are mostly popular in coffee shops, though other areas also often choose flat bottom packaging.
We develop flat bottom packages for various products, having been specialized in this area since 2017.
Blank Tray Puzzles provide a canvas for creativity, allowing users to design their own puzzles with personal artwork, photos, or messages. These puzzles are perfect for artists, educators, and anyone looking to create a personalized gift or keepsake. The blank surface invites endless possibilities, from drawing and painting to printing custom designs, making them a versatile tool for self-expression and creativity.
Crafted from premium materials, Blank Tray Puzzles are durable and easy to assemble, ensuring a satisfying experience for users of all ages. Whether used in educational settings to reinforce learning concepts or as a unique gift for friends and family, these puzzles offer a fun and interactive way to engage with art and design. With various sizes and piece counts available, Blank Tray Puzzles cater to different skill levels and project requirements, making them an ideal choice for creative projects and personalized gifts.
Wholesale pricing discounts.
Please contact us for more information.
Ce sac en coton léger de 5 oz est l'un de nos best-sellers. Ils sont élégants, simples ou imprimés avec le logo de votre entreprise, et sont particulièrement utiles pour les acheteurs.
Nous avons imprimé de nombreux sacs en coton pour tous les types d'événements et de festivals, le plus connu étant le festival de Glastonbury. Le succès du sac est dû à la durabilité et à la facilité d'impression. Pratiquement tous les designs et contenus peuvent être transférés sur le sac en coton, ce qui en fait une forme de publicité brillante et économique pour toute entreprise ou organisation caritative.
Rotoli da 15 pezzi sacchetti mini formato 40x45 trasparenti.
Dotati di stringa per una chiusura comoda e veloce.
Ideali per camere di hotel, uffici e altri piccoli ambienti domestici.
Individuell bedruckte und veredelte Pappbecher. Vermitteln Sie Ihre Werbung oder Ihren Slogan effektiv und preisgünstig.
individuell bedruckter Pappbecher
einwandiger Kartontrinkbecher
hochwertiger, individueller Druck
lebensmittelechte Farbe, geschmacks- und geruchsneutral
schon ab 1.000 Stück lieferbar
ideal für Kalt- und Heißgetränke
Lieferung innerhalb von 15 Arbeitstagen möglich
Größe: Lieferbar in 4 Größen: 100ml (4oz, Espressobecher), 200ml (8oz), 300ml (12oz) und 400ml (16oz)
Poly Shipping Mailers are the ideal packaging solution for ensuring safe and secure deliveries. Constructed from durable, tear-resistant polyethylene, they offer protection against moisture, dirt, and mechanical damage. The self-sealing adhesive strip simplifies the packing process, providing an airtight seal that prevents tampering or accidental opening. Available in various sizes to suit different logistics needs, these mailers are perfect for online retailers, shipping companies, and warehouses. Their lightweight design makes them a cost-effective option while offering excellent product security during transport.
Poly Mailer Bags are a must-have for shipping goods securely. Made from tough polyethylene material, these bags offer strong protection from moisture, dirt, and other environmental hazards. They come in a variety of sizes, making them flexible enough to fit different shipping needs. The self-sealing adhesive strip makes them super easy to use, ensuring your items are securely packed and protected from accidental openings. Perfect for online stores, courier services, and logistics companies, these poly mailers provide a hassle-free and reliable way to ship products safely.
Odkryj magię sezonu z naszymi premium woreczkami prezentowymi w tematyce Świętego Mikołaja! Te atrakcyjne torby zostały zaprojektowane, aby sprawić, że Twoje prezenty będą się wyróżniać, zarówno dla rodziny, jak i przyjaciół. Dostępne w dwóch rozmiarach—250mm x 400mm i 320mm x 500mm—są idealne do pakowania wszystkiego, od świątecznych smakołyków po małe upominki. Uchwyć świąteczny nastrój i przynieś radość do swojego obdarowywania dzięki tym oszałamiającym torbom, które podkreślają Twój świąteczny styl!
Bottom gusset packaging bags offer a practical solution for businesses needing to pack bulkier items without sacrificing aesthetics. Made from high-quality, clear, and glossy OPP or CPP (PPCast) film, these bags expand at the bottom, allowing more space for larger items. They are ideal for packaging a wide range of products, including food, textiles, and more. The gusset design ensures products are stored securely while still offering an appealing presentation for retail displays. Choose bottom gusset bags for a reliable and stylish packaging option that adapts to your product's needs.